About 123
Our Nurse Team

If you are requiring a home nurse in the Delhi and NCR, KNB Health Care can help with all of your home care needs. We have a dedicated home nursing team in Delhi and NCR, who will support you every step of the way, from your initial enquiry through to the delivery of your care. Our home nursing team has in-depth knowledge and experience in advising, coordinating and delivering home nursing packages and is able to advise you on the most suitable care service to meet your specific requirements. With experienced and registered nurses we are confident we can find a nurse to meet your specific requirements.

We bring life to healthcare, Right in your home!

A member of our team will visit you and carry out a full assessment of your care needs. This will give us an opportunity to get to know you and understand any personal preferences that you may have, in addition to what support you will require.
In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of your care requirements and ensure that all aspects of your care and arranged we can liaise with your family and any involved medical professionals team.

Our Services Areca Location

East Delhi

South Delhi

West Delhi

North Delhi